
Seeing Jesus Work While on the Road

By Brother Brian Shimer Read Luke 24:13-35  I love to travel. True, business travel, when you are stuck in buildings the whole time

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By Brother Tom Albin Words of Encouragement: UCAI, July 14, 2024 For many, summer is a time for family events, vacations and travel.

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By Brother Matthew Henson Prior to our ability to access and use GPS on our phones and other electronic devices, we would sit

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At the Crossroad, Wisdom Takes Her Stand

By Brother Stephen Rankin I grew up eating pot roast often on Sundays after worship. Mom would chop the potatoes, carrots and onions

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Limiting God’s Will

by Brother Matt Henson“Will you take an old lady with you to Haiti?” This question was asked of me at an event several

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God Listening Heart

By Brother Brian Shimer Thank you to Brother Gary for launching us into this area of discernment and decision-making last week! Considering what

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On Discernment

By Brother Stephen Rankin “But solid food is for the mature, for those whose faculties have been trained by practice to distinguish good

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Love Your Neighbor

By Brother Gary Wheeler You know, sometimes, it’s really hard to follow the commands of Jesus, especially that “love your neighbor as yourself”

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