
Discipleship Means People

by Brother Wade Paschal Sometime ago I totaled up the number of people Paul listed in his letters as “co-workers” or “fellow servants”.

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Fellowship: More Than Food

by Brother Matt Henson I grew up in the church and through my travels, I have attended numerous local churches for Sunday morning.

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Power of Fellowship

by Brother Brian Shimer Culturally, I live in a place which deemphasizes the importance of the group. We are individuals! We do our.

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We Define Maturity

by Brother E. Stanley Jones (This week’s devotion is from our 2023 Book of the Year, Christian Maturity.) We would define a mature.

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Growth in Interdependence

by Brother Matt Henson Maturation from newborn to adult moves through several stages where an individual is learning new  concepts and coming to.

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Down In My Heart to Stay

by Brother Matt Henson “I’ve got the joy, joy, joy, joy, down in my heart. Where?” This song brings back so many memories.

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Jesus Calls Us By Name

by Sister Cheryl Jacobs But Mary stood weeping outside the tomb. As she wept, she bent over to look into the tomb; and.

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The Power at Work

by Brother Wade Paschal One of the first scriptures I memorized was Jeremiah 17:9— The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately.

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Running the Race

by Gary Pope-Sears Many years ago, I ran two marathons 12 years apart, yet was able to record very similar times in each race..

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