

by Brother Matt Henson(During the month of January, the focus of the devotions will be on a Word for the Year. Different authors will provide a word they are focused on for 2024.) One of the blessings of traveling in ministry is experiencing the variety of daily schedules set forth at different camps, conferences, retreats, and […]

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Written by Gary Wheeler January 8, 2024 Between Christmas and New Year, I stayed home and did not go to the church. I was exhausted and needed a few days to recharge. I didn’t work on my next book or write a sermon or do anything with ministry. Instead, I read a few books and […]

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Word of the Year 2024

Written by Matthew Henson In the village of Sobier in Haiti, a person can stand at the edge of the village and look down on the greenish-blue waters of the Caribbean Sea. The beauty of the refreshing waters invites us to make the trek from the village down to the water. It is about a […]

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Christ Candle

Written By Matthew Henson Read Luke 2:1-20 For many years in the late 1980s and early to mid 1990s, my dad sang in a Gospel Group with a gifted pianist and song writer named Juanita Atkinson. She wrote a song that spoke to the ongoing battle between the materialism of the season and the real […]

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by Brother Brian Shimer Pray together — Lord Jesus, born at Christmas we offer today’s devotional time to you. Come join our family circle. Meet us in our thoughts, prayers, discussions. And help us draw closer to you in order for us to become more and more like you. Indeed, may our living lives look […]

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Great Joy Devotional

By Brother Wade Paschal Great Joy Devotional READ Luke 2:9-11 And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord” (ESV). […]

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Peace Advent Devotion

By Matthew Henson Light the First and Second Advent candle   Read John 14:25-27, “I have said these things to you while I am still with you. But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and remind you of all that I have said to […]

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In This Will I Hope

By Stephen Rankin Lamentations 3:21-25 Advent Devotion Light the first Advent candle as you read Lamentations 3:21-25 The Christian faith is full of paradox. We gain life by losing it. We live by dying. We receive through giving. This passage from Lamentations shows the same paradox. The writer’s circumstances are extremely difficult. Jerusalem lies in […]

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Waiting on God, The Path to Thanksgiving – Psalm 40

 By Guy C. Ames I love the picture that David paints of God’s care for us.  Clearly as he writes this psalm he has come through a difficult time and has “come out on top.”  I love seeing God’s delivering hand at work.  In my early ministry I would invite my congregation to share their […]

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Misplaced Trust

By Gary Wheeler Director, Mountaineer Christian Ashram I mentioned in my previous article that I am a private pilot, flying off and on for 23 years. I love the experience of soaring over God’s magnificent and beautiful creation, as well as the challenge of doing it all safely. As Brother John Davis will tell you, […]

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