Written by Gary Wheeler
January 8, 2024
Between Christmas and New Year, I stayed home and did not go to the church. I was exhausted and needed a few days to recharge. I didn’t work on my next book or write a sermon or do anything with ministry. Instead, I read a few books and rested. I even got confused on which day of the week it was, because I am so accustomed to doing certain tasks on certain days. Of course, if you are retired, you know exactly what I’m talking about!
One thing that remained constant was my daily devotions. Prior to last year, my devotional time had grown stale. Ever felt that way? I needed to rejuvenate that time with the Lord.
I read a couple of books from an author friend of mine. I told Diane Moody that I had put off reading her Confessions of a Prayer Slacker because I didn’t want to admit that I might be one. Then I read her follow-up Confessions of a Prayer Warrior and I found what I needed to reconnect daily with the Lord.
Now my devotions are times I look forward to. First thing in the morning, with my coffee and blanket (you might find a different time and setting that works for you), I get serious with the Lord. My flow goes something like this:
Time in the Word
Time in Prayer
I use the ACTS acronym for my prayer time.
This has become such a wonderful time with the Lord. That’s why I chose the word “daily.” I pray this will help you.
Gary Wheeler
Director, Mountaineer Christian Ashram