By Brother Matthew Henson
In 1925, E. Stanley Jones published his first book, The Christ of the Indian Road. As we celebrate the 100-year anniversary of its being published, Abingdon Press has republished an expanded edition of The Christ of the Indian Road with several leaders contributing essays of their appreciation for The Christ of the Indian Road. Over the next four weeks, we will consider some of the important teachings from Brother Stanley in his book, as we learn more about the importance of centering on Christ and contextualization in mission.
In the Introduction, Brother Stanley writes:
Running through it all will be the perhaps unconscious testimony of how, while speaking to India, I was led along to a simplification of my task and message and faith—and I trust of my life.
Recently at the close of an address a friend remarked, ‘He has probably done some good to India, but India has certainly done a great deal for him.’ India has.
A great teacher is a great student. A great proclaimer is a great listener. Karl Barth has been attributed to have said, “You preach with the Bible in one hand and newspaper in the other.” As people who proclaim Jesus is Lord and invite people to experience the Kingdom of God, it would be easy for us to fall into the trap of such strong certainty that we miss the questions of the person with whom we are speaking. We can have such a spiritual ego that we miss the opportunity to sit with people who desire to know more, but they are afraid to ask.
When E. Stanley Jones traveled to India, he quickly discovered he was trying to hold “a very long line—a line that stretched clear from Genesis to Revelation, on to Western Civilization and to the Western Christian Church.” He realized, “that I could, and should, shorten my line, that I could take my stand at Christ and before that non-Christian world refuse to know anything save Jesus Christ and him crucified” (Page 7-8). A Senior Pastor with whom I worked made the statement during a staff meeting, “The Gospel is so simple that I could understand it as a child to the point of salvation, while being so complex that as a 55-year old, I am still trying to figure it out.”
In James 1:19 we read, “Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry.” We are invited to slow our tendency to react and to be people who listen and then respond with questions, truth, and belief. When we react in haste because someone does not agree with our understanding of who Jesus is, we tend to close the door for further conversation and learning.
As we continue to live in a world where we have influence and contact with people from around the world, we need to learn how to listen and be ready to share Jesus without all the trappings of denominationalism or western civilization. We need to “forget everything except Jesus Christ, the one who was crucified” (1 Corinthians 2:2).
How is the Holy Spirit calling for us to shorten our line and take our stand at Christ? How are we listening to the people, cultures, and beliefs with whom we engage to learn more about them as we proclaim Jesus?
Prayer: Lord, I tend to react toward disagreement when your invitation and model is to listen and respond. Forgive me for focusing on the fringe religious ideas, forgetting to take my stand on you, Jesus. Give me strength to shorten my line that my words and life might proclaim your Truth. In Jesus’ name. Amen