
Running the Race

by Gary Pope-Sears

Many years ago, I ran two marathons 12 years apart, yet was able to record very similar times in each race. The conditioning regimens I shared with my training partners made it possible for me to finish each race in good order.

These experiences remind me of this great verse: “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight and the sin that clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us… “(Hebrews 12:1, NRSV) As part of the body of Christ, we look to those who have set the pace for us by their faithful living: inspiring us, guiding us, walking with us through trials and tribulations.

Whatever the hope calling you, or the challenge daunting you, remember the faithful saints who are waiting to help you, those whom the Holy Spirit is moving to help you reach the finish line faithfully.

Brother Gary is a long-time attendee at the Redwood Christian Ashram and an Approved Evangelist and Bible Teacher for United Christian Ashrams International.


Disturb Us, Lord


Precipice Between Years


Advent: Salvation


Advent: Mercy


Advent: Light