By Brother Matthew Henson

Prior to our ability to access and use GPS on our phones and other electronic devices, we would sit down with a map to mark out the path for upcoming trips. When we were a member of AAA, we would order a TripTik, which served as a travel plan including possible services, tourist sites, and hotels at each exit. It was exciting to sit down with the TripTik and to familiarize ourselves with the path for the trip and the stops along the way.

On the day the trip began, we had a sense of accomplishment and an increased excitement as we would turn the pages over to the next step of the trip, which meant we were getting closer to the destination. Along the way, there may be slow downs or unexpected stops, yet we continued toward the destination.

In our walk with Jesus there is a common sentiment I hear from people: “I wish I knew what God’s plan was for me.” Or, “I wish I knew what God wanted me to do.” We want God to give us a TripTik that maps out our life, so we can look over the path, familiarize ourselves with it, and might even be able to see the mountain range we will have to pass over in our travels.

In Acts 8:26 we read, “Then an angel of the Lord said to Philip, ‘Get up and go toward the south to the road that goes from Jerusalem to Gaza.’ (This is a wilderness road).” Note the angel of the Lord does not give Philip a reason to go to this wilderness road. There is no purpose statement or clear destination in mind for Philip, yet Philip goes. We do not hear him complain about the uncertainty of the path or the purpose of the trip: He simply goes.

If you are not familiar with this story, it is on this wilderness road where Philip meets the Ethiopian Eunuch who receives Christ, is baptized, and becomes an evangelist to Ethiopia and the surrounding area as he tells his story and the Gospel. Philip’s willingness to be receptive and open to the angel of the Lord’s direction, helped spread the Gospel of the Kingdom of God to new lands in fulfillment of Jesus’ promise in Acts 1:8, “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea, and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.

How are we open to the voice of the Lord calling us to follow where He leads us in our daily lives? Are we tending to want God to map out our life for us in such a way that we can know the path for the day, the week, the month, or even the year? The invitation of Jesus was “to follow me” and the invitation to Abram was “Go to the place that I will show you.” Our relationship with Jesus is a daily experience of discovery and new adventures. When we are not attuned to God’s direction for our lives, we may miss the opportunity to speak transformational words into the life of someone who has questions or needs encouragement. As we travel “on the road,” it may be smooth sailing on highly-trafficked roads or we may be called to the wilderness road because God knows someone will be there who needs the words He has placed in our hearts.

Prayer: Lord, I want to know your plans for me reaching out weeks, months, and even years. Yet, I know your call to me is to daily follow and be willing to go where you send me and meet with whom you place in my path. Forgive me when I don’t listen and miss these opportunities. Tune my ears to your voice, so I can receive your direction for my life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.